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2-Drop Peyote Stitch with Cheri Carlson
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Artbeads Tutorial - 2-Drop Peyote Stitch

Overview introduces the two-drop peyote stitch. This technique is a time-saving variant of the standard peyote stitch, allowing you to work with two beads simultaneously for quicker pattern development.

Key Points

  • Even Count Peyote: Cheri delves into even count peyote, where she uses 12 beads (6 pairs) to demonstrate this approach.
  • Odd Count Peyote: She also covers odd count peyote, using six beads (three pairs), and highlights the different stitching techniques compared to even count peyote.
  • Practical Demonstration: The tutorial provides a hands-on guide for adding beads and managing thread for both stitching methods.

Detailed Steps: Creating Even Count Peyote Stitch

Basics of Even Count Peyote:

  1. Initial Setup: Begin with 12 beads (6 pairs) on your thread, forming an even count.
  2. Stitching Process: Work in pairs, stacking two beads at a time above the original pairs.

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Start with two beads, aligning them above the first two beads on your thread.
  2. Skip the first pair and thread through the next, alternating colors according to your design.
  3. Continue adding bead pairs, ensuring proper alignment on top of previous rows.
  4. Maintain tension near the stopper bead for a tight and even pattern.

Key Tips:

  • Alignment: Ensure beads align correctly for a uniform pattern.
  • Thread Management: Manage your thread to prevent tangling and secure the beads firmly.
  • Color Coordination: Pre-plan your colors for a cohesive design.

This two-drop peyote stitch is ideal for intricate beadwork, offering a quicker progression than the one-drop method.

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